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  • Post-16 Employment & Skills in Birmingham – Key Findings

    Last updated: 1 month ago


    Org: Birmingham City Observatory

    Factsheet for the Post-16 Employment and Skills in Birmingham Dashboard

  • Birmingham Geography Data Model

    Last updated: 8 months ago


    Org: Birmingham City Observatory

    Files relating to geography such as postcode lookups, geography conversion. Data is taken from the Office of National Statistics Open Geography Portal.

  • Ward Profiles November 2023

    Last updated: 8 months ago


    Org: Birmingham City Observatory

    Birmingham ward profiles for November 2023 PDF exports. Reports are generated from our always upto date tool available on our insights page.

  • Ward Profiles April 2023

    Last updated: 8 months ago


    Org: Birmingham City Observatory

    Birmingham ward profiles for April 2023 PDF exports. Reports are generated from our always upto date tool available on our insights page.

  • Children in Absolute Low Income Families in Birmingham

    Last updated: 1 year ago


    Org: Birmingham City Observatory

    Statistics on the number of children in low income families by financial year are published on Stat-Xplore. Figures are calibrated to the Households Below Average Income (HBAI) survey regional estimates of children in low income. Absolute low-income is defined as a family in low income Before Housing Costs (BHC) in the reference year in comparison with incomes in 2010/11. A family must have claimed Child Benefit and at least one other household benefit (Universal Credit, tax credits, or Housing Benefit) at any point in the year to be classed as low income in these statistics. Gross income measure is Before Housing Costs (BHC) and includes contributions from earnings, state support and pensions. This data includes Birmingham only statistics on children in absolute low income families. The latest release for this dataset was published on Thursday 23rd March 2023. The next release is scheduled for March 2024 (release date will be updated in due course on Stat X-Plore).